Purchasing a home is likely going to be one of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make. In order to decrease the stress in an easily stressful situation, it’s important to have a strong understanding of how much money you’ll be spending and exactly where it’s going.
Building a close relationship with your lender will not only instill confidence in your decisions, but it will also help you to develop a strong and competitive offer.
Let’s say we’re touring a few homes one day and you find the one…
We give your lender a call, they’re able to give you an estimate of your monthly and closing costs and can get you a pre approval letter right away.
Not only do you have that data in front of you, but it also shows the listing agent and sellers that you’re serious, you have your ducks in a row and will be able to achieve a successful close of escrow.
Lending is like a foreign language. It’s not something we do all the time and it’s not a one stop process. Having an expert in your corner will allow for a smooth sailing experience and manageable expectations along the way.
Need a local lender referral? Send me an email and I’ll give you names of a few experts.